Creative Producer and Entrepreneur.
July 2010 - Hi, I'm Randy Z.
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July 2010

Is this hotel beeper friendly? [life lesson]

Is it me..? Am I really that "old fashioned," or is this younger generation really that inept at professionalism/communication? Maybe this is the transition of my entering "adulthood." Either that, or its a testament to the skills I've obtained from working for the past 10 years.Now granted...

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Business has no business in love, unless its a partnership [Guest Blogger]

Submitted by Miss Proctor Partnership or Relationship? Most of the definitions I stumbled upon for the word “partnership” interestingly enough dealt with business; I was even referenced to a financial dictionary for one of the definitions of partnership. But I found an interesting one out of the bunch:Partnership: “A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: Neighborhood groups formed a partnership to fight crime.”I don’t seek to be in a relationship. Terms like “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” are used as mediums for control and are superficial. Exchanges between “boyfriends” and “girlfriends” are often reduced...

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Can anyone be an artists?

I was asked, "Do you believe anyone can be an artists or is it an innate talent?"Taking out all variables such as desire, cultivation, or just simply being drawn to a particular art..Yes, I believe anyone can be an artist -- taking into consideration the "10,000 hour rule" (Gladwell 2008). If you spend 10,000 hours continually working at something (approx 4 hours a day for roughly 7 or 8 years) you'll become proficient enough to be an expert in that field. So if you pick up an instrument and work at the craft and continue learning all you can for that amount of time you'll be a...

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