Creative Producer and Entrepreneur.
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[ag one ent]

Longevity in Music.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."There are artists that are timeless, and artists that move with the time. Its a fine line that you have to walk but I believe the most successful artists are those who are able to recreate themselves without compromising the integrity of their artistry. I look up to the artists who's music seems to always fit the time. Whenever you hear it, you can still relate it to daily life.On one hand, I strive to write what I THINK people can relate to or what they'll like...

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The Industry

I grew up with the mind set that if I want to see change, I must be the change I see. So with that ingrained in my mind, I initially started off my quest to leave my positive impression on the world through education, but that is a blog for another time. I don't know if many people know about my business ventures and/or my involvement in music...

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